Proper techniques in mixing drinks and cocktails are very essential for the bars success. Hiring the right bartender makes a huge difference in operating a successful and profitable bar.
Bartending classrooms should include ice machines, three compartment bar sinks, soda dispensers, blenders, and a variety of glassware. A bartender who spends too much time attending the customers can be a problem as well, since they will either leave a big mess, or else rack up overtime hours doing things they should have been doing during their regular shift. Some states like Texas, allow the serving of alcohol to be done at age 18.
You can always arrange your alcohol and drinks a certain way, to ensure that you know where everything is. Bartenders have to appear as gracious host and treat the clientele not as mere customers, but coveted guests. Have the DJ give a shot out to the bartender, this makes people remember your name and it reminds them to go to the bar and get a drink and leave at tip.
When your day job slows down your bartending job will pick up. If you go to college and learn the techniques required for bartending, you can make more money than you ever thought possible.
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