If you are looking for a bartending job, sometimes it is a good idea to get recommendations from friends, caterers or party planners on who may be looking. Some Bartending jobs are no longer considered a part time job, or a temporary job.
Your customers will talk about you to their friends and introduce you to new people before you know it, who will also appreciate your good quality service and leave you very nice tips because of it. The employment opportunities can take you to some of the most exciting places in the world. The fact of the matter is really, it is a nice bonus if you get a really hot bartender, but only if they are also good with the customers and know how to fix every kind of drink that there is available.
It can be nearly impossible to know every possible drink mixture, why is why most bartenders use mixing lists hidden under the bar to help them know what goes in each drink. Whatever you do, don't shake a drink with carbonation. Also, when the DJ makes announcements, make sure they say your name.
Remember, a bartender is a salesman. These are all great examples of how anyone can recession proof their income.
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