A good bartender, as well as an informed customer, will have familiarized himself with the different terms used. Television and the entertainment industry are very skilled at influencing the public thought process.
Be realistic, know the role before you decide to take part in it. Although these things are essential, bartenders also need the proper technique for mixing drinks and cocktails as well. If they are not good enough and you do not sense happiness with all of your customers, then perhaps you need to consider replacing your bartender, maybe even replace that male bartender with a highly professional, skillful woman bartender.
Tend your bar with flair, and learn how to spin the bottle or slide glasses across the counter. The big difference between bartending and any other business is that bar customers usually come to the bar not because of the drinks offered but because of the bartender and the atmosphere. While learning how to make and serve drinks the students also pick up on how to be a top knotch bartender.
Customers want and expect to see a smiling face making their drinks, so have fun. If you are interested in beginning a career in bartending, but think you may want more of a challenge, a bartending school of mixology may be just what you re looking for.
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